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We would like to inform you about how we care about your personal data to ensure your information.

A. Data and their use
Company MANDÍK, a.s. processes user data for this purpose:
  • Ordering goods and services – for processing your purchase, delivery of goods, ensuring the fulfilment of ordered paid and free services and communication with you in connection with these orders, etc., we process data such as: name, surname, title, address, e-mail, telephone, bank account number, purchase history. These are data processed for the purposes to follow the business contract, whether it is a contract concluded in the classic written form, via an online form or orally. We also process data on purchase orders for the purpose of fulfilling book-keeping, tax reasons and other legal obligations specified by law.
  • Offers of goods and services – data (name, surname, address, telephone, e-mail) are used for advertising purposes, for example for information about products from our offer. We use this data only to the extent permitted by law. The use of data for any of the above contact channels, client may rise an objection at any time and the data from database will be erased/terminated.
We process all the above data as long as you are our active customer and for a period of 5 years from the end of the last order.

B. Data security 
The protection of your data is crucial for us, which is why we make every effort to ensure its security. We make full use of technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access to this data and to prevent its destruction or misuse. The ways in which your data is secured are also regularly reviewed.
C. Rights of Entities
You do not lose control of your personal information. You can access or fix them at any time. As a subject of personal data processing, you also have the following rights: the right to a confirmation of processing, to rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, transfer, objection to processing, to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. In the case of processing on the basis of the granted voluntary consent, also the right to withdraw this consent at any time.
In case of further questions regarding the processing of personal data, you can contact us at mandik@mandik.cz