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We are paving the way to a greener future with R454C refrigerant

As part of our commitment to sustainability and compliance, we offer R454C as a refrigerant for our air handling units with integrated cooling and/or reversible heat pumps. Alongside our existing refrigerants, R410A and R407C, the R454C represents a modern solution with a significantly lower (up to 92%) global warming potential (GWP).
While refrigerants such as R410A and R407C were previously considered environmentally friendly due to their “zero-ozone” depletion, concerns about their high GWP are gradually increasing.
That's why we respond with refrigerant R454C, which has a GWP of only 148 and offers a more ecological and sustainable solution. As an A2L (non-toxic, mildly flammable) refrigerant, it ensures a smart compromise between performance and sustainability.
By choosing R454C, your business can not only reduce its environmental footprint, but also keep up with regulatory changes without losing energy-efficiency.
If you require any further information about our R454C refrigerant solution for heat pump in Mandík Air handling units, please don't hesitate to contact our sales and technical experts: https://www.mandik.com/en/contacts
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